How to Change Icon Size in Windows 10: A Simple Guide

Adjusting icon sizes in Windows 10 is a breeze! Right-click on the desktop and choose your size under ‘View’, or use touchpad/mouse gestures. Dive into ‘Display settings’ for a more tailored approach. Make your desktop experience truly personalized with these simple steps!

Have you ever found yourself squinting at the screen, struggling to find that one file or app you desperately need? Or maybe you’ve got eyes like a hawk and prefer smaller icons to fit more on your screen. Either way, Windows 10 has got your back! Let’s dive into the easy-peasy steps to adjust the icon sizes, making your digital life just a smidge simpler.

Why Change Icon Sizes, Anyway?

Imagine trying to find a needle in a haystack. Annoying, right? Similarly, if your desktop is cluttered with tiny icons, it can be equally vexing to locate that one file. But then, too large icons can also make your desktop look like a toddler’s toy. So, finding that sweet spot is key.

1. The Right-Click Magic

  1. Desktop Icons: Place your cursor anywhere on the desktop. Not on an icon, just the empty space. Now, right-click.
  2. Hover over ‘View’ in the dropdown menu. Here, you’ll see ‘Large icons’, ‘Medium icons’, and ‘Small icons’. Pick your preference!

2. Touchpad or Mouse Tricks

Got a touchpad or a mouse with a scroll wheel? Cool beans! Hold down the ‘Ctrl’ key and use two fingers to pinch or stretch on the touchpad, or scroll the mouse wheel. Icons grow or shrink accordingly. Nifty, huh?

3. Dive into Display Settings

For a more tailored approach:

  1. Right-click on your desktop and choose ‘Display settings’.
  2. Find the slider under ‘Change the size of text, apps, and other items’. Slide to adjust. This not only changes icon sizes but also other elements.

Related: How to Switch to Landscape Orientation in Excel for Office 365

Pros of Changing Icon Sizes

  • Enhanced Visibility: No more squinting! Larger icons can be a boon for those with vision challenges.
  • Cleaner Desktop: Smaller icons can make your desktop look less chaotic.
  • Personal Touch: Adjusting the size lets you make your desktop truly yours.

Cons of Changing Icon Sizes

  • Takes Time: If you’re frequently adjusting, it can be time-consuming.
  • Accidental Clicks: Larger icons can lead to unintentional clicks.
  • Less Space: Bigger icons mean fewer items on the screen.

Additional Information

  • Remember, changing icon sizes can also slightly adjust the layout. If you’ve organized icons in a particular way, you might need to rearrange them after resizing.
  • If you’re using a Windows tablet, adjusting icon sizes can also make touch navigation easier or harder, depending on the size.


Windows 10 is all about customization and making sure you’re comfortable. Tweaking icon sizes is just one of the many ways you can personalize your experience. Now that you’re armed with this knowledge, go on and make your computer truly yours. Who knew a few simple steps could make such a difference?


  1. Does changing icon sizes affect performance?
    • No, changing icon sizes won’t impact your computer’s performance.
  2. Can I revert to the default size if I don’t like the change?
    • Absolutely! Just follow the same steps and select ‘Medium icons’ or adjust the slider to the default position.
  3. Are these steps the same for all versions of Windows?
    • This guide is specific to Windows 10. Older or newer versions might have slightly different methods.
  4. Do these methods also change the size of icons in folders?
    • The right-click and touchpad/mouse tricks are mainly for the desktop. For in-folder icon size adjustments, use the slider in the ‘View’ tab of the folder.
  5. Can I change the size of specific icons only?
    • No, these methods adjust all icons. For individual changes, you might need specialized software.