How to Include Uppercase Words in Powerpoint Spell Check

Microsoft Powerpoint is a largely visual medium, and much of the content that you create there is going to be designed to capture your audience’s attention.

There are a number of ways you can do this with various types of media, or by formatting your text.

One thing that you might do is to capitalize some words on your slides. Whether this is for a section or slide title, or because you are using a font where uppercase letters look better, it can create an interesting effect.

Unfortunately Microsoft Powerpoint doesn’t spell check uppercase words by default, so this could cause you to include some spelling errors in your content.

Our guide below will show you how to spell check uppercase words in Powerpoint.

How to Spell Check Capital Words in Powerpoint

The steps in this article were performed in the Microsoft Powerpoint for Office 365 version of the application.

Step 1: Open a slideshow in Powerpoint.

Step 2: Click File at the top-left of the window.

Step 3: Select Options at the bottom-left of the window.

Step 4: Choose the Proofing tab in the left column of the Powerpoint Options menu.

Step 5: Click the box to the left of Ignore words in UPPERCASE to remove the check mark.

Step 6: Click OK at the bottom of the window to apply the change.

Now Powerpoint should highlight spelling mistakes in uppercase words.

Note that this setting is program-wide, so it will affect other slideshows that you open in Powerpoint, too.